Morton Contemporary


Morton's Expanded Logo

Morton Contemporary Art Gallery is the culmination of 15 years of passion for fine contemporary art. Our diverse contemporary art collection ranges from original works on canvas to sculpture, mixed-media, photography, and limited edition giclees. We specialize in representing and promoting innovative emerging and established artists from around the world.

Morton Contemporary embodies an ethical as well as aesthetic vision, a commitment to equity and inclusion in tune with worldwide social movements. Debbie Morton, owner and founder of Morton Contemporary, aims to diversify not only the audience for fine art, but its source by elevating the work of traditionally underrepresented artists such as women and artists of color from around the globe. Debbie actively participates in local and national philanthropic endeavors including supporting fundraising efforts for nonprofits and increasing engagement between artists and their communities.

Leveraging art expertise and an eye for design, our art consultants connect clients with art that embodies their distinct tastes, viewpoints, and sensibilities. Morton Contemporary is dedicated to establishing art collections that align with our clients’ aesthetic and budgetary objectives. We also excel at working in the corporate sector, furnishing beautiful works of art to outfit any commercial space. We offer a special trade discount program for designers and architects as well.

Who we are



Debbie drives the creative vision of Morton Contemporary's two art galleries, along with the 'Art Consultancy' division of the company. Her love of art dates back to childhood when her father, Arnie Morton—founder of the renowned restaurant chain, Morton’s Steakhouse—filled their family’s home with contemporary and classical works of art. She would earn a bachelor’s degree in literature at the University of Pennsylvania, and a master’s degree in comparative religion at Harvard University. This confluence of narrative, art, ethics, spirituality, and culture helped Debbie develop a unique perspective and keen eye for art in its variety of forms, leading to a successful, 15-year career in documentary filmmaking. During her professional and personal travels, Morton’s love affair with contemporary, European emerging artists began. Initially, she curated for her own personal collection, then chose works for friends and relatives. Ultimately, her love of sharing fine contemporary art and her commitment to expanding the range of featured voices in the art world, led her to open Morton Contemporary Gallery's two locations in the heart of Philadelphia's chic Midtown Village neighborhood.



​​Erin Touey plays a key role assisting Morton Contemporary Gallery to run smoothly behind the scenes. As the gallery assistant and art handler, Erin executes on-site stretching and framing of paintings, hanging and storing of works, installations of exhibitions at our second location, THE LOFT,  and safe packing and shipping of artworks. Erin additionally assists in communication with our artists, coordination with clients, and other everyday operations at the gallery. As a recent graduate of Tyler School of Art and Architecture with her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Painting, Erin is excited to have the opportunity to see the business side of working in fine art, paired with her hands-on experience as a working artist herself. She appreciates explaining artists’ processes and materials to curious gallery visitors and clients. 

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